Daily trivialities

i found i haven't written daily activities, and my father, who lives in Sappro, gave me an advice on a mail "to dialize is to record what you have done in a day and, if time allows, add how you felt about what happened. Otherwise, you give up easily"

So, i do so today.

AM2:30: A cup of coffee and i got down to my job. i finished a document that i had not completed yesterday by breakfast time. it was a document including as many as 50 or more pages, but the original japanease document is easy to read, so that i could finish it within a reasonable time. I think whether translation job (japanease to English) smoothly goes ahead or not depends upon quality of japanease writer (may be enginner) of a source document.
AM7:30 Atti still zzzzzz.....ing, and Akki, zzzzzzz...ing, too. So i had my breakfast alone. Get back to job once again. New document. it seems to be easy, LLLLucky me.
AM9:30 when i was going to go to tennis school, i found Atti's bicycle had no handle. Stolen?...only handle? So strange isn't it?
Today's school members were only Miyamo and me. And an infamiliar tariner. Baseless advices. About every little thing. i was so upset and verbal battle was started. Really tired.
PM12:00 Lunch. Soba (japanease noodle). i like hot one very much even in summer.
PM1:30 i and Akki went to a batting center. We hit 120 balls as usual respectively. i tried to hit 120k/m speed ball but・・・. Today's dinnnner is "katukareiiiiiiii"(curry with fried pork chops), i was singing in mind and got pork chops in the way back to the home.
PM 5:00 we returned home. Atti was absent for neighborhood community association. "uh, i have to take in the laundry. it's frelling cold." Now, PM6:00 my energy is about to be lost. ah my writing is poor. ah no beer. i have to go to convenience store...it's frelling cold...